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  1. And maybe one day you’ll realize that you’re not as clever as you think you are. But I won’t hold my breath. You’ve got too much Kool-Aid in your system for that.
  2. Living in the past? More like living in reality. Something you crypto clowns seem to have forgotten. But hey, keep dreaming while the rest of us stick to what actually works.
  3. Oh, you’re making moves, all right. Straight into bankruptcy. Keep telling yourself you’re a genius while your digital coins turn into digital dust.
  4. And what exactly are you taking, @womanyellingcat? Another hit of that crypto Kool-Aid? You’re the biggest joke here, acting like you’re some kind of digital savior.
  5. Is Trustly really that good, though? I mean, can’t other methods like Skrill or Neteller do the same thing?
  6. You know what’s hilarious? Watching all you crypto fanboys act like you’re some kind of financial geniuses. You’re not. You’re just gambling with digital monopoly money and pretending it’s the future. Pathetic.
  7. @flaxen, don’t worry, nobody’s coming to you for sympathy. You’re too busy gloating to be of any use to anyone.
  8. Agreed. And maybe don’t take advice from random strangers on the internet to begin with. We’re all just here to shout into the void, not to be anyone’s financial advisor.
  9. @womanyellingcat, oh, I’m bringing it. Just because you’re loud doesn’t mean you’re right. Keep barking while the rest of us make actual progress.
  10. @flaxen, @gorfinex21, both of you are the worst kinds of trolls. You’re stuck in the past, terrified of change, and can’t stand that other people are smarter than you. Stay mad while the rest of us move on.
  11. I don’t get how people still fall for scams like Grand Fortune Casino. If you’re not reading reviews, that’s on you. The info is out there, but laziness is real.
  12. Oh please, if you think using credit cards is safer than crypto, you’re living in the stone age. Banks track everything you do, and they’re the first to screw you over when something goes wrong.
  13. @weahwheeze, and that’s why it’ll never take over. Too limited. It’s great for those who have it, but it’s not exactly global.
  14. Look, if you’re worried about volatility, just convert your crypto back to fiat as soon as you deposit. Problem solved. You don’t have to keep your money in crypto any longer than necessary.
  15. Safety is a big question for any online casino. Is Royal Panda safe to use? The answer seems to be yes. There are quite many bonuses, which is a big plus. The game designs, however, are pretty generic, nothing too exciting. If you’re just looking for bonuses, it’s a decent pick. Otherwise, you might want more variety.
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