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Experience only with Biden's presidential run. They froze the accounts of a large number of players in the aftermath of that and it took a really long time to get it open. All sorts of documentation had to be submitted, and every time you got submitted they came up with a new document to submit, etc. Aspa promises to contact you but they don't, you always have to be there to sort it out yourself if you want to move things forward. Worst gaming experience in my entire betting history.

Reviewed by makezii1

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I didn't try the casino, but bet on Betfair exchange. Deposited 130k, won 100k, so would have been entitled to 230k cashout.

First there was about half a year of bureaucracy, proving that I was who I claimed to be, that the money was legit etc. In the end, they told me they were not going to pay me anything.

After using my personal contacts, I got my cashout, so that is worth the second star, but I can't really recommend a casino that tries to just steal money that could buy a house.

Reviewed by viskiherkuttelija

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